Cost Management

The task of cost management is an integral item to command during design and execution and is essential to exercise effective control over the project’s finances. ACE PM is well-positioned and experienced in the management of the cost control element of construction projects.

With our primary focus on achieving cost accuracy we draw upon our knowledge of the design process to ensure targets are set and reviewed from concept to completion. We work closely with the client and design team ensuring value through the budgetary control process.  With contemporary buildings being highly serviced and incorporating innovative designs, a significant amount of the cost is usually attributed to this element. We therefore use innovative procurement methods along with traditional QS techniques to deliver cost management objectives.

We undertake review and advice on costs at all stages from planning to design and throughout the construction process. We provide cost estimation and whole-life costing, cost monitoring and earned value analysis, cost control, cash flow management, cost reporting, procurement advice, as well as robust risk management and change management services.

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